Cigar the evil smoke spirit saw color coming into Little Benny’s life. Cigar tried to keep his world all smoked up and black and dark. He did not want Little Benny to see the light and what was right. Cigar tried to work on Little Benny’s mind. With Cigar on his mind, Benny could not see positive. Sometimes Little Benny could not rest and think clearly. He kept on having bad dreams. It was hard for Cigar to work on Little Benny’s mind when he was awake, because Benny prayed so much and read the good book. It was hard for Cigar to interfere.
Even though Benny’s world seemed black and white, Cigar noticed that he was becoming more and more real. So he felt that he had to become real too. When Benny matured and became wise in the Lord, Cigar felt that he needed to mature and become wise in evil.
Benny had aged some smoking his cigar. The wrinkles in his face began to decease as he stopped smoking. The yellow stains from smoking on his teeth began to disappear. His lungs were feeling much better. More women began to take notice of Benny, and they also tried to tempt him into their bedrooms. All of Little Benny’s friends became more jealous of him. He began to see how his friends were bringing him down buying him cigars and beers. Little Benny saw his health going down until he found real life in Jesus Christ.

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