Cigar decided he would leave Little Benny’s mind alone and visit his eyesight. He appeared to Benny and became real. Little Benny saw that Cigar was going to take over in the real world. He could see things that nobody else could see. When the rest of the world did see, they did not know that they were being visited by an evil spirit. Cigar appeared to the world as a regular man. His biggest aim was children and teenagers because he knew that he could fool them easily. Cigar knew that they were looking for something and someone to follow. He knew that they were bored in life, unhappy, and looking for something to get involved in. He aimed at the weak children of the world and used them to tear down the strong.
Little Benny tried to warn everyone about Cigar. He knew that children were disappearing because of Cigar. The strong and good children that had not been taken by Cigar, but they became depressed and unhappy at home. Their parents began to notice a change in their children, but they were too busy working in the world of work most of the time working long hours. It was getting hard for them to communicate with their children because they had not really been communicating for so long. The children were under peer pressure and in school. They were falling in their grades, and had too much homework. Test and exams were very difficult to past. Cigar used all of those things to bring the good children down.
It seemed that no one in the world understood but Little Benny. He knew what was happening to the good children when the children had no explanation for it. Little Benny tried talking to them and told them that it was evil trying to intrude into their lives. However, the kind of talk that Little Benny had with the children was too hard for them to accept, and their parents began to notice Benny. Although Benny tried to help, things began to turn for the worst for Benny. Rumors began to spread that Benny was a crazy man. They learned about the smoking addiction that he had because he told his own story to help someone else. People believed that Benny was in a deep state of hypnosis and was controlled by it in his subconscious. Doctors believed that Benny entered into a deep and relaxed state of hypnosis where he is awake and aware of everything that goes on around him.

After the rumor, Little Benny shut out the rest of the world. He stayed home to lay low and remained quite. He remembered what the Bible said about how we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities (Ephesians 6:12).
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