Little Benny kept on fighting and kept on fighting. He did not give up in life, and he knew he was free in Christ. His world would sometimes seem dim, but the Lord would brighten it up again. Sometimes Little Benny would tell the Lord how tired he was, but the Lord would tell him to keep going. He could not see his bright future, but he knew that God had something in store for him. Little Benny continued on in his tasks that the Lord had for him to do. He had to be led and guided by the Holy Spirit.
After Benny had stayed locked away from the world for several months, he felt something move him to build a church hide out for lost children. He did not worry about the children coming to him, and he did not go to the children. Little Benny knew that he would be sent. He did not know how he was going to build the church, and an old friend that took care of him when he was a child was put into his memory. His friend was like a brother and a great carpenter. Little Benny knew that he was being prepared to save lost children.
Little Benny knew that he would make new friends along the way. He knew that there would still be temptations, suffering, and strife. Benny knew that there would be some things that he would not want to face. Through it all, he knew that he would have God on his side to lead and guide him. Little Benny was free from trying to get through life all by himself.